An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

Christmas games..... the office makes a days work so much more fun ;)

So this little red hat has been wondering around the office and hiding itself for everyone to find. The victorious searcher is rewarded with a gold wrapped chocolate.

All day I have been too busy to look for it; 4 or so rewards have been handed out and none of them to me ;(

At 3:40pm I head out for a last minute audition. It is a recall for a casting I had on Wednesday. The 2nd meetings are always more nerve wracking for me and today they are running late so my nerves are more on edge.

Anyway, I'm not sure how it went, and that's the answer I gave to my friends. I had 1 minute to give the performance I had 10 minutes to give the other day.....needless to say, I am not holding my breath haha!

On my return to work I am told that a new clue has been released for the current hat hiding place. I analyse the tips and begin my exploration.....and then 5 minutes later I was jumping for joy!

My beady eye had claimed me a Ferrero Rocher, but I think the search and discovery and the victory far beyond out weighed the fruits of my labour ;)

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