What did I see today...?

By DaveR


I've mentioned before that I like lens flare, haven't I? And I mean the real kind, none of the added-in fakery that you can get in photos these days.

There's some quality flare in this one, which is an up close and personal version of September's final Blip (happily this means you don't have the receipts that were littering the ground last time). Not only is there the a nice array of rays coming from the sun, there's also a trail of spots as well culminating in the large, nearly transparent one in the bottom left. I also like the way the sun illuminates the ridge of the fence from behind, it really brings out the brightness of the frost across the top.

According to the weather forecast for the 'bridge we're getting another lovely morning tomorrow; I may just have to wake early and travel to work via the river again to see if I can get a shot across frosty fields down that way.

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