
By justbrian

Tree hundred

This is a landmark for me, I don't usually stick to anything.

This photograph is at the end of the jog I had today, when I say jog I probably mean more like a shuffle. It's in Gosforth Park, I chose to run here because it's bloody windy today and it was sheltered amongst the trees.

I have a set route which is just over three miles and it takes me around the perimeter. There is a point , two thirds of the way round where I stop each time I pass, it's the site of where a young man was found hanged, I don't know the circumstances but I always pay my respects.

I have recovered from the shock of the parking ticket yesterday, my appeal has been lodged, I will wait and see.

I'm also going to see the surgeon who is going to operate on my Hernia, today's blip could have been the top of his head whilst he checked me out, it's probably just as well I didn't go there...

If I was being picky I'd say that there probably aren't three hundred trees in the picture but you get the picture.

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