Help abandoned dogs at Christmas

Look what I've got ................................. a 'thank you' letter from Annabel.

Annabel runs the Ardley Rescue Kennels near Bicester and Ann knit her some blankets for some of her little doggies that don't have a nice home like I do.

Annabel looks after lots of abandoned dogs and she's desperate for more blankets and duvets. If you have any to spare and live in the area please drop them into her.

I spent my very first Christmas in a rescue centre so I know what it's like to be lonely at Christmas. A cosy blanket or duvet makes all the difference.

I'm a lucky little dog now. I've got a lovely home and loads of duvets, so I'm going to give these blankets that Ann's knitted, to Annabel to help make other little doggies warm and happy.

Please can you help too?

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