Life with K.C.


Scotland The World Over - Over Windsor Castle

I took part in Scotland The World Over!

Me 'Andy are you in Windsor?'
Andy 'Yes'
Me 'Can you meet me by the castle?'
Andy 'Yes'

5 minutes later.....

Me 'Can you hold my iPhone over Windsor Castle so it looks like the Soltire is flying above it so I can photgraph it?'
Andy 'How will you photograph it if I'm holding your phone?'
Me 'I have my camera in my bag'
Andy 'Ah'
Me 'Maybe try the other hand. Can you hold it higher? Can you hold it lower? Yes just there.'
Andy 'I'm glad I've not seen anyone I know'
Me 'Perfect'
Andy 'And why are you doing this?'
Me 'Remember my Playmobile journal? Well I'm not doing that anymore but it's for the same website'
Andy 'Ah'
Me 'Thanks, see you Saturday'
Andy 'Will do, bye'

I'm so glad my friends are used to me..........

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