Just the Withers......

By JaneW

There were rat's rats' wearing Santa hats in ....

the stores,in the stores there were rats rats wearing santa hats in the quarter masters store.....
Those are not the exact words but are similar...
You all know how I rave about our school,well I am just about to do it again,so if sugary sweet going on about stuff is not your bag this evening,jog on....
that was a short and rude disclaimer :D
WELL the topic for year 3 and 4 this term has been World War 2 ... they have worked VERY hard,we have been to places and heard air raid sirens,and seen Anderson shelters,watched 'land girls' work etc.... well today year 3 and 4 went off to some care homes... Lucy's class and one of the year 4's went to the care home my Uncle Bob is in,and we were so excited...there was a HUGE turnout the best I have ever seen for any visitors,not only did the children sing 'war songs' and Christmas Carols,but they also then mingled with the residents and had wonderful chats with some of them who had been evacuees !! it was really fabulous.The feed back from the residents was amazing,they adored the children,called them smart and funny and amusing and not ONE baby out of 56 or so let us down NOT ONE !!! I get sick to death of hearing bad tales of children today so I am afraid I shall CROW from the rooftops when they do good things.
They shall be invited back it seems !!!! so very proud of the devils :D
So in this blip we have my Lucy doing the obligatory bunny ears behind from left to right Maddie (who did a solo and after wards broke down as she had worked herself up,but she did VERY well) Lola who we have seen before and is the bonkers half French baby and Lucy R one of my other muses.....I BLOODY LOVE this lot.
The whole school are off to the annual pantomime run on Friday,the school shuts as even our office staff go... roll on NEXT Friday,the whole lot of them need a holiday.
Just been to see Eve in the year 6 production of Scrooge.. VERY funny :D

p.s I have to thank the teaching staff of Thomas Jolyffe... they rock ... they really do xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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