Stormy light on the Nene

A day of high winds, punctuated with sunshine and stormy grey clouds, after a very wet start. I drove Alex to Huntingdon along spray-drenched roads and the returned to the usual round of work and decorating.

A walk along the river provided a welcome blast of fresh air, and spells of dazzling light reflecting from the river. Much of the wildlife seemed to be hiding, but at one point I heard the gentle call of bullfinches, and spent a little time trying to photograph one of a small party of four males, who were plucking buds from the willow trees. I was unsuccessful - they all stayed screened by branches and then flew off into deeper cover.

For many years the bullfinch was a red list species because the breeding population had declined by more than half owing to a reduction in quantity and quality of woodland margins and hedgerows and increased grazing by deer, but their numbers have recovered (and continue to do so) and they have now been moved to the amber list. Even so, The Boardwalks Nature Reserve is one of the only places locally where I see them regularly.

Sorry for the continuing lack of comments. Tonight I'm very tired, and as I have an early start and a busy day ahead, I should be thinking about bed... I think I'm looking forward to the end of term on the 15th December even more than Alex is, and Chris'll be home on the 16th. Can't wait!!

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