Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Birthday girl with birthday hair.

It's my birthday. Woke up grumpy. Was at Asda at 5am getting calpol for the baby. The whole house was quite unsettled all night and then the baby threw up all over me this morning.

I had a hair appointment but my long suffering mother in law has come up to have the baby while I went.

Anyway I have had my hair totally chopped. The hairdresser did not want to do it as it was so long. She recommended I go mid-length. I refused and insisted that she chop, chop, chop.

I love it. My hair feels so much lighter and when I wash it next it's going purple. Whoop.

I got a starter SLR for my birthday off hubby. An olympus e450 or something like that. It has got good reviews and seems nice so it's on charge and we are going out in a bit to get a memory card.

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