Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

A grown man in tears.

My planswere all thrown out today with the lunchtime closure of the schools due to the high winds.

Nothing for it but to spend an hour or so in the cafe. Unfortunately for me I timed my visit to coincide with George, the local masseuse.

George is 75 years old, but has fingers like nothing you've ever seen before. He specialises in torture deep-tissue massage and sport injury rehabilitation. His clients include a great many international rugby and football stars; many of whom swear by his methods, and several who leave in tears vowing never to return.

This is my pal Craig getting a wee gentle rub on his shoulders!!

I also had a wee back rub, whilst stretched over a table, but by some degree of bad luck no one could find the camera to record my screams and tears expression.

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