Still Standing

On this day one year ago, I had come to this world in search of a place of refuge. My own world was not big enough; there was nowhere there that I could evade my self-proclaimed enemy. Earth, on the other hand, is one of the largest we know of.

I was invited to stay here, with Weapon. At the time, while I was grateful to stop running, I wasn't confident I was going to like living in this world. Everything looked so big and busy and... Well, I might have liked that had I
wanted to come here, but as it was I felt the need for something more peaceful.

But Weapon lives in a smaller, quieter area. I think that helped.

It's been a year now. That's a long time. I'm not sure if it's felt long or short, but it has passed all the same and I suspect it will have passed for mine enemy just as surely. I think he's still out there, waiting for me. I don't know when he won't be.

One thing has noted the progress of time: I don't long for that world as sorely as I used to. I love this one now, for that which is lovable about it and for some of what isn't.

It's my home, after all.

- Luca

(Tagged LucaDafeldr and LucaBJD)

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