
By LeeAnne

Hurricane bawbag...

Well what can I say that a zillion other people haven't said already? It's a tad breezy today!

It started badly... I forgot my specs this morning, got halfway to work and realised! Doh! I thought maybe I'd survive but no... I got to 10am and figured if I looked at the screen any longer I'd have a headache by lunchtime. Fortunately work let me borrow the pool car to nip home so I cranked up the heated seats for the journey... a warm bum at last! My bum is always cold. Anyway, you probably don't really need to know that but I'm feeling in a sharing mood. I was glad I'd taken my blanket to work today... yes, I took a fleecy blanket cause we sit in the attic room and the window doesn't close properly (this is going to become a feature today it seems!) so at least I was toasty.

Work then proceeded to send people home who live out of town note to self... next house purchase must not be in the city centre at lunchtime. Off they went, all tucked up home by 2pm while we freeze our arses off at work. (I'm rolling my eyes, can you tell?!) Standard Life sent their 'non-essential' staff home, Dundas & Wilson, Shepherd+ Wedderburn and a variety of our clients followed suit! Not us though... no, as per usual we stay till the bitter end! We'll be the ones who make the papers cause three of their staff were knocked out by falling trees on the way home!

So my blip today was taken from the window of our room - the closed window I might add. I ventured out at lunchtime to put my shoes in to get heeled, I wore them for the first time outdoors and the heel fell off... I dare say that'll teach me for taking bedroom shoes outdoors! But I need them for tomorrow night so needs must... I'm off out to the Glitterball at Murrayfield tomorrow in stupid shoes and an evening dress... I can see that far enough for sure!

That was as far as I went today, so my camera didn't make it out either. I managed to bribe the boys in the mailroom to send my lens back special delivery in exchange for some wrapping paper for the secret santa pressies. I'm the person at work everyone comes to for that sort of thing cause I always have paper and cards and ribbon and stuff... I'm a hoarder you see. It makes me happy to hoard. I was incredibly sad to see the back of the lens though... my 55mm just seems so small and a bit rubbish by comparison. Hey ho... story of my life really!

So I braved it out at 6pm after listening to the news bulletins saying not to travel till after 9pm. That will be right! I figured I'd take my chances with the debris and falling trees rather than risk a double decker bus. Success... I made it home via the pet shop for some bunny treats which was just as well really as bunny was looking less than impressed when I arrived home. The living room window had blown in (I locked it this morning) and the flat is baltic. Not good. So out come the ladders in an attempt to shut the window properly... fail! Now my curtains are dancing in the wind, I have two heaters (thank you parents) which look like they could have been used in world war II but which are making a vague attempt to warm me up.

I decided that I'd do some housework to keep myself warm. It now appears that I have no hot water either. Did I mention I love my flat? Winter is my favourite season although that is rapidly changing!! I suspect I shall be in bed in about half an hour!

I've now opened a bottle of wine... if all else fails? Get pissed!

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