A bit of a breeze

So by now the term 'bawbag' has found its way into common usage (even Radio 4 has picked up on it) through the twitter people of Scotland creating the hashtag #hurricanebawbag for the unusually strong winds that hit Scotland today.

I had been talking with my friend Kirsty about doing some photos similar to the levitation workshop I attended a few months ago and we were just looking for the right opportunity. When I got in this evening there was a Facebook message from Kirsty "sod levitation...we could do dorothy-esq flying..!!" - little did she realise that within a couple of hours she'd be standing in front of an admiring crowd of people in the parliament taking off with an umbrella in her hand. Thank god these Scottish girls are made of strong stuff as she hung on to the brolly in the stiff breeze making its way down Holyrood.

Thanks to Kirsty for being a great sport and we will definitely do some levitation shots soon without the aid of wind!

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