
By woolyme

taking flight

I am trying to get a bit fitter, well ok I need to get my BP down or the Dr will put me on tablets and I am not ready to take tablets for the rest of my life just yet!

So I am trying to take some excercise and I got Lewis to check out my bike for me, and I took a ride down to what is known locally as the poo, its a great cafe and is looked on as a wonder of modern architecture, but the youngsters know it as the poo (Its not far off looking like one I know) So I rode down to Littlehampton stopped to wonder at these people and think now should I learn that? but decided it was too hard for me it would rip out my shoulders again.

So instead of learning how to kite ski... I rode back home.

This little camera is working quite well now I like it being small enough to fit into a bike bag.
Thanks to the blipfoto team I think they may have cured my date problem.

Have a great evening.

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