Oh Christmas tree

Oh happy nut

I was going to take a proper photo but I ran out of time. But I did remember my jelly lenses! look at the starburst in action. Amazing (as the nut would say). I masks out the bald patches in the tree nicely too.

In face the lower part of the tree is in such a state of disrepair I have gone for a 4 fold technique of
claiming the nut decorated it
using an oversized bucket so the trunk looks shorter
lashing and lashings of tinsel
and most importantly large amounts of alcohol to ensure blurry vision in guests.

I sent a text to my mum saying that I'd put the Decorations up and the nut was the happiest nut alive. And also I discovered I could make doll pants out of baby socks. She replied she was jealous. I said I'd make her some pants but I couldn't find a big enough sock. She replied to use a windsock. I replied

EWWWWWWWWWW crotchless panties!

then she told me to use two.

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