What did I see today...?

By DaveR


Well, this was the moment when the storm that's been doing a thorough job of bashing in the top of the UK hit Cambridge. We got rain, quite a bit in a short time, that seemed to disappear as quickly as it came, but happily I saw the rain start and legged it out of the restaurant for this snapshot.

We were assembling in the restaurant I legged it out of before going to see Chris Addison take the stage in the corn exchange tonight. He was on top form, he's a very energetic comic, though most of his jokes come across from delivering a high-speed blast of knowledge combined with quick wit that gets you chuckling and then guffawing. There's a pretty good clip of him here (warning: some unsuitable language... which is funny, as it's about communication).

Tomorrow marks the end of the week and a flat-leaving party, plus a trip to see 'Another Earth' in prep for Saturday morning's radio show.

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