Failing Power

No snow left! Strong winds, heavy rain and flooding were all part of the day. Looking at the water rushing along the gutter, I made sure The Man's wellies were lifted out of my car as I went to work. A good job I did too, within half an hour our house was surrounded by water. The Man phoned me to tell me, The Neighbour phoned me to tell me.

The Man put the plugs in our ventilator covers and reached over into the adjacent garden to rake debris from the culvert grill (an essential action for preservation of dryness in several properties). I kept my wellies in the car (no, I wasn't planning to go down to the lake today) but didn't need them to get back into the house tonight.

As I sat wondering what to blip the power kept going off and I thought it wise to have the candles lit. I've been going back through my early blips and saw an earlier one of these candles.

OK, again, with a Canon, remote release and a tripod - some warm lighting on a dreadful night!

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