Creels at St Andrews Harbour

Decided today to sort out all the "bits" for Christmas. You know those little extras which end up costing a small fortune :) Pondered on a trip to Dundee but the thought of parking made me feel quite giddy so plumped for the safety of St Andrews instead :)

Had a good old bimble round and picked up a few "bargains" on the way. Feeling much more organised than I was this time last week.

Then I headed down to the harbour for some blippage. The light and calm there was a stark contrast to yesterday. Although the weather further out to sea was quite choppy.

Jake's dad had his stem cell transplant yesterday, so he is now in a critical phase for his overall well being. As his immune system has been removed he can't have any visitors for at least the next two weeks and its unlikely he will be home for Christmas. That's where technology come in handy. We have the webcam set up and hopefully Jake will be able to speak to his dad for the first time this week tonight.

Have a great weekend, I am off to check the chilled stuff in the fridge :)

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