Pip on Horns Road

Pip came to see us today and he chose a brilliant sunny morning to drive up from Bristol. We had coffee and then went up to Bisley to the farm shop. On the way we diverted along the edge of the Horns Valley to pick up some coal for Pip to take home. Our local merchant lives beside his old stone quarry, which he uses as his yard for storing coal and firewood.

At the farm shop I managed to buy a christmas tree which had been cut by Ashley, the farmer, this morning. I also stocked up on vegetables, Cox's apples and large supplies of sunflower seeds for the birds; a small reward for their entertainment and their role as my recent blip models.

When we got home, Pip wanted to go looking for materials in the hedgerows which he and Mary could use for making wreaths. Mary sent one she had made earlier which Pip delighted us with. Such a pretty homemade present. Here is Pip cutting some ivy on the south facing wall of the cemetery. The holly berries seemed to be in short supply this winter.

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