
By RaceyTrace333

Flatford Mill

I had a days holiday today. First thing I sorted out some paperwork and some important issues at home. While I was on the phone sorting bits out, I was thrilled as a little robin appeared in my garden. This was my mum's favourite bird. So made my day as been praying one would arrive before Christmas.

As the sun was shinning I went out with the camera, and off to Flatford I went. It was very cold, but I was wrapped up and also had my furry hat on so nice and warm.

I took several at Flatford, and have chose Flatford Mill for my blip, with reflection.

Whilst at Flatford I joined the National Trust, so more places to go to take photos!

On way home I went via Frinton-on-sea as they had a Christmas street party. While I was there I bumped into an old work colleague. She now has a shop selling handbags and jackets etc. she gave me some gorgeous sheepskin gloves that are fingerless, great for when I am out with the camera.

Hope you all have great weekend.

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