My Life In Pictures..

By SheWhoGlitters

Grape, Anyone??

Today we had a rare day off in Uni, which was fortunate as it gave me a chance to have a lie in and chase off whatever it is which is making me ill.

Thankfully, I woke up feeling a little better after spending most of yesterday in bed, and the long nights sleep I had.

Couldn't stand another afternoon lying in bed feeling sorry for myself so got up, did some christmas present wrapping (again!) and went for a wander in the fresh air to meet my friend E for coffee, which was nice..

Todays blip is a bit random.. couldn't find an interesting one.. So decided to blip one of my 5-a-day!

It feels so much like a Saturday.. Which makes it ever nicer that tomorrow is Saturday..
Got to love a three day weekend!!

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