stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

White Christmas?

Late night last night. Ok, truth be told an early morning!

Once I'd caught up with everyone I sat and watched a couple of films I didn't really intend to and finally headed for the hills at the back of 5am. At least that was the intention. Taking my customary last look out the window before I went to bed, I discovered it had been snowing for a while. The place was white! I took some shots from the window, then opened the window to get a bit more clarity and as soon as that cold air hit me, I just knew I was going out!!!

Having finally just thawed out from yesterday's trip to the Continental Market I couldn't believe I was getting togged up again! It was just as well I did, because when I got up this morning the snow was almost all gone with absolutely nothing left on the trees!!!

Took an extra bauble with me thinking there was no way my star would have survived the winds. Couldn't see it, but it was dark!

Well the 60D's waterproofing was certainly put to the test. I've always been wary about taking it out in the rain, since Canon never really have come out with a defined statement of how good it is since moving from the metal body of the 50D to the polycarbonate body. To be fair, I had seen some unofficial reports about it and indeed, except for the card compartment it matches or exceeds that of the professional level 7D. Well, I can tell you, it got a pretty snow drenched test this morning and it passed with flying colours!

So, I've now had my "snow" experience for the year. Tick! Done that! It can stay away now until the day before I'm due to go back to work after Crimbo. Then it can snow me in as much as it wants!!! ;- )

Today is relaxation day. Last of the online shopping to get done and I'll make a start on wrapping. Hope everyone else's day is as relaxing. Happy Saturday all!!!

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