Over The Fields We Go, Laughing All The Way

Predictable? I know, sorry. I could have used any one of half a dozen photos today and although they all involved snow, they would have been weekend-dog free. However, we had such a good time, he was so happy today in the little bit of snow we had, and I love seeing him hurling towards me like this, ears back, four feet off the ground.

It's always a little bit of a lottery, is he going to swerve, run past me or am I going to get my legs broken? Life on the edge.

Had so much to do today but so far, since coming back at 1pm, all I've done is snuggle up with my new hot water bottle and snooze. Time to spring into action. I think today is the perfect day to store away the summer clothes and make some room in the wardrobes, don't you?

Jingle Bells, by whom? Everyone!

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