Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Mr and Mrs Claus

Today was a day of 'if only'. Played golf, it was a charity game, all the proceeds went to buy Christmas presents for 'poor' children of our local town, we were also asked to take a toy as an extra donation. If only, I had not had 3 blobs, I would have come first, in the end I came 5th, I did win a prize in the 'card' draw, it was a pair of socks, unfortunately they were mens, and couldn't be swapped for a ladies pair, so that just about summed up my day.

On the way home I came across the 'Santa's on bikes' they all belong to a local bike club, and every Christmas they get dressed up in santa outfits, riding through the local villages and making a collection for the 'AECC' which is a cancer charity. I didn't have my camera with me, so I arrived home, dashed into the house, picked the camera up and drove down to the cafe were the were congregating, this pair, husband and wife, kindly posed for me. I hope they raised pots of money.

We raised over a thousand euros, which wasn't bad.

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