Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Kittatinny Park at Dawn...

I have been wanting to do this for awhile ... I woke up as the sun was starting to peek above the horizon, threw on warm clothes, grabbed my camera and dashed out to try to get the sunrise. I stopped at a local farm for some quick shots - hoping to see their heard of miniature donkeys, but there wasn't an ear to be seen.

Then, a stop at White's Pond where if you look really closely, you'll see a swan way in the distance. Then a quick stop at misty Twin Lakes, then the main parking lot where the picnic benches sat covered in frost. A final stop on my way out for another look at White's Lake.

The picture is at the entrance to one of the parking areas in the park and I always like the way it looks with the trees and the meadow. It's a huge park, 3600 acres, with four lakes and miles of hiking/biking paths. One of my favorite places, and only a 5 minute drive.

You'll be happy to hear that when I got home, Extreme Seymour was on the deck eating seeds as quickly as he could. Once he left, a loud bunch of 5 jays showed up, followed by the usual finch gang, titmice, nuthatches, chickadees, et al.

Happy Saturday!

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