Views of my world

By rosamund


It was a grey day in Gourock today as illustrated perfectly by once a sheep.

I've had a great day, started with breakfast with Noah then Dr Zhivago with Freya. We all went for a walk down the front where I took this shot of our house, it's the one at the top of the hill, I think it's because these houses have stood here for over a hundred years that the storm didn't do more damage.

Carlos treated us to Lunner (a combination of lunch & dinner) in the cafe continental then he headed off for a night with his friends. The kids and I walked home past the Christmas lights in Gourock and were delighted to find Singing in the Rain on tv when we got in. We're all settled with drinks, snacks, leftover party food and knitting for a cosy night in.

A perfect day really!

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