Like fingerprints

By FrederiqueE12


This is definitely a blog entry and not a photographic entry per say. I am not one to show my food in Blipfoto, but I could not resist showing off the cupcakes I got from Les Glaceurs. Coconut-lime, Vanilla and salted caramel, nutmeg iced gingerbread and maple. They have tons of amazing flavours though they are a bit more traditional than the cupcakes at Petits Gateaux which have a violet frosted tea and cranberry cupcake and a sour creme and raspberry one to die for. Well to those of you thinking to visit me someday, we can do the tour and compare...

I know that cupcakes are (apparently) passé having been upstaged this year by cakes on a stick (lollypop cakes) and in 2012 apparently by canellés which appear to me so boring in comparison. But in any case, I need to back off the sweets so it may be animal-shaped fruits for me in the new year. Who knows? But for now, those cupcakes await.

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