The Day I....

By Paega

The Day I Felt A Bit Better and Went to Exeter

Christmas shopping is not my favourite activity at the best of times but when your nursing a muzzy nut and a queasy gut it was tough going today.

Fortunately it gave me an excuse to just take a perch and try my hand at street photography. I felt so self conscious with a long 300mm lens parked on the end of my camera. I felt even more so when searching through a lingerie shop for my wife's present with the camera around my neck and the massive lens sticking out. Freud would have plenty to say about that.

In The News: I'm ignoring yet another story about Cameron and the EU. Instead this story of a hypothermic lemur took my eye. I wonder how it ended up on Tooting Common? Poor little thing. The only thing I know about Lemurs is that they, like us, are primates. The only thing that I know about Tooting is that it was where Citizen Smith ran the Tooting Popular Front. Power to the People Primates

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