LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

Snow Day

What a week for weather, started with frost, then the gale force winds and torrential rain and today we woke up to a few centimetres of snow. Lee had apparently been watching it falling in the early hours as she couldnt sleep. The cats wake me up at 5am most mornings wanting out / fed or both, so I watched it then.

Roo and I got out this morning to clear the path, drive and end of our street and tried out the new snow shovel, got a quick portrait blip before we started. Like that Rusty is in the back ground leaping out of his shelter in a failed effort to keep his paws dry!

Had a night out with Lee tonight, lovely meal through in Edinburgh. I was a gift and we ate like kings and queens. Feel a bit too full now though and might regret it in the morning. Food was amazing and I got to avoid watching the X Factor!

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