Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Somebody Loves Me!

I received these cards from my Mum and Dad. I would like to say to my Mum that I'm not 4 years old. I would like to say to my Dad that I'm not 84 years old. It just made me laugh how different these cards are. I think it shows that my Mum loves Christmas and that my Dad is very traditional! Both cards say that I'm wonderful and I have to agree....(ha, ha!!)

The update on my Dad is that his cancer hadn't spread and it had just begun to touch the wall of the bladder. This was the best outcome we could've hoped for. He will be back in hospital on Monday to have another biopsy to make sure there are no cancer cells left and then he might need another course of chemotherapy but, overall, he has been extremely lucky in that the cancer isn't anywhere else. He should be closely monitored from now on. My friend's Mum chose to have radiotherapy for her bladder cancer which has spread. The treatment hasn't made her too ill and she has coped with it extremely well. Wishing you well, Joan.

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