A load of Bull :-)

By EdieBeth


Went with Lauren for her 4D scan today.

I was flattered to be invited along with the other Granny-to-be, but was also a bit freaked out at the prospect of seeing our first grandchild before he is born. Bizarre!

But what an amazing experience. He wasn't playing ball though and apart from showing us he is definitely a boy ;-) - he wasn't letting us see much else and kept grabbing hold of the cord and hiding his face with it! Or rubbing his eyes or sucking his thumb. He couldn't keep his hands away from his face and was determined he was not going to give anything away! Bless! Camera shy maybe. But a pint of water later and a ten minute stroll (mum not Harry) and he was happy to reveal himself to his mesmerised family.

He looks so cosy in there and safe and protected from the big scary outside world it seems a shame to disturb him in a few months! But Mummy is very impatient Harry so March can't come quick enough for her. Then after all the 'virtual' meetings, we all get to meet you for real and have a proper cuddle :-)

Stay safe, snuggly and warm until then chick. X

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