
By Echo

Stormy Saturday In Southport

Stayed in Southport last night.Mr Echo at a golf club dinner so I enjoyed my meal then settled down to an evening watching T.V. and finishing off the rest of my Christmas cards. I noticed that there was some drinking chocolate with the other drinks available and thought a mug of hot drinking chocolate would go down quite nicely.
I put the drink on the table and decided to move a square stool over to put my feet up. As I moved it iI bumped the table slightly and over went the mug of Chocolate. All over the cream coloured chair and stool and the carpet.
For a second I thought of taking a blip of the devastation. Then thought maybe swift action was necessary to clear up the mess.
After a long period of frantic sponging with a wet towel all the stains had gone from the furniture and most from the carpet.
I was very relieved to find this morning that it had all dried and there were no signs of the disaster from the night before except a few faint marks on the carpet which I owned up to to the house keeper.
Thank goodnes for the modern fabrics which are obviously made to resist stains.
The blip is the view from the window taken through a very dirty window.

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