My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Christmas is a-coming

Days like today are why my life is not average.

Woke up to snow this morning, and got rather overexcited (again).

Work was good, and there was some leftover food from a Christmas meal that was happening, so I got my first Christmas lunch of the season rather than my usual cheese and onion toastie (on white bread).

Some other interesting things happened at work as well, which I won't go into just now.

The lightbulb in my room blew last night, and it blew the fuse as well but we sorted that out quite easily. I put in a new bulb today, and that one went as well. So, I'm guessing something's up with my actual light, especially seeing as bits of plastic kept falling out of it ...

My flatmates and I put up our Christmas tree, while listening to Christmas music, took this (stunning) photo, and then put on classy music such as 5, 6, 7, 8 by Steps, the Cha Cha slide etc. and danced in our Christmassy hallway.

We then all went along to a Christmas show put on by my church and another church, called "The Biggest Birthday Party in the World", which my sister was singing in. It was fun, and rather insane.

I have backblipped the last few days if you're interested in seeing more of my not average life!

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