feet well travelled

By feettravelled

oh chrismtas treeeee....

a boring yet productive day of uni work....which involved writing up a site management plan for a farm. my dad who has proof read an essay thats due this week, sent that back to me and then rang me....leaving the BEST EVER voicemail message in history. fact. what a hero. :)

then as my evening off i went to our Christian Union Christmas Ceilidh which was a total blast! lots of laugher, smiles and fun! great way of making friends and letting your hair down! i had one partner dance with me for a few dances and we nailed it.....got all the steps right and laughed far too much! :) good times.

this was up in the hall we were dancing in and as i was having so much fun, i didnt have a chance to blip any fun ceilidh dancing!

im looking forward to going home to decorate my own christmas tree

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