not a Daily Blipper

By suzy


Lie in today we both took molly out for her morning walk i don't know what got in to her this morning she was barking at all the other dogs.

When we got back we set to and did the christmas cake i will blip it when it is done with decorations on it.

When we went out for our afternoon it was cold so the pink snowpants went back on it was so cold so we were not out long.

I am now relexing with my lounge pants on they have the family guy on i love that show.

an molly is in her chair next to the radiator so she will not be moving. it was so cold did not get an outside blip so you have got me just bliping any thing as tuesday is my 500 so can not miss a day till then will have to think of some thing may be me in the bath now that will be a sight.

Bye for now enjoy your evening love Suzy xxx

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