Action Time Vision


Favourite Albums Pt.1

A new project - instead of randomly Blipping albums as I buy them I going to Blip my favourite albums.

It'll be a pretty varied excercise covering my fairly extensive obsession with music which probably really kicked into gear with this album some 34 years ago.

Never Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols didn't really mark the beginning of punk, more the end.

Like the dreaded Britpop, that was to follow 15 years later, it was really all over by the time the tabloid media caught on and, thanks to lazy journalism, totally misrepresented a critical movement in British culture.

Key moments for me in the discovery of the Sex Pistols were, firstly seeing an article and colour pictures of the band in a French music magazine my brother brought back from Paris and secondly purchasing God Save The Queen in a record shop in Manchester, at which time I has to ask to listen to it in a listening booth.

There is nothing I have heard at any stage in my life which I could compare to that particular moment. I was absolutely buzzing.

It was like hurricane of excitement courtesy of snarled lyrics, powerhouse chords and relentless drumming.

Nothing that went before, or that has followed since, has compared to the Sex Pistols and I can understand why people would consider that to be an exaggeration.

Boney M - Rod Stewart - Mud - Sex Pistols.

It was a right place, right time scenario. I can close my eyes and I'm still there.

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