Northern Wind

By JacobBarnhard

The Girlfriend.

Well, last night we had our Christmas dance at our school.

I went with my girlfriend Rachel. This is her in the picture.
She looked absolutely gorgeous and I wouldn't have wanted to go with anyone else.
Last night was honestly, some of the best bonding time we've had.
I felt so close to her and she just makes me feel happy.
I know I can tell her anything.

Had our first kiss last night.
Life can't get better.

Our song: Just A Kiss

On a side note, yeah, I know I blew the whole Christmas-Picture-A-Day thing.
I apologize.
Got quite busy with homework and such.
The teachers are trying to cram before winter break.

It snowed here in Michigan.
Snow some more.

That's about all for now.
I'm happy.
That's all that matters to me.

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