On the sixth day of Christmas.....................

................my true love gave to me.

In truth this was not the image I had planned for day six.

I had to trawl round a number of hostelries in Shrewsbury to try to find one selling Wadworth's 6X!

And could I find one. Just like the police. Never there when you want them!

It's a good beer, and I quote, "This delightful copper coloured beer has a malty fruity nose with a restrained hop character!'

Don't they talk rubbish. It's good. That's all you need to know. And hard to find one when you want one.

So you'll have to put up with six of my home-made chocs instead. Never one to waste, I've coated the sloes, which have been soaking in the gin for the last few weeks, in dark and white chocolate. And very nice they taste too.

You may get one if you call round. There will be plenty by the time I've strained the gin off!

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