All God's Creatures

By mcrphotography

Gone Fishin'

This is probably the last weekend that i will be here in Albany for a while. I have been up here off and on, from Austin, since November of last year, totalling 4 months. When I first started coming up here I was told about some places to go and take pictures. I was looking for waterfalls and was told about Cohoes Falls in Cohoes, New York. I was also told about the American Bald Eagles that may be there from time to time. There are two pair that nest in the area and the come here frequently to catch fish.
Since then, I have posted a few blips and an eagle on those times when I get a halfway decent shot. Today both of these magnificent birds graced me with their presence. As cold as it was I stayed out there for over an hour taking photos of them, trading places, calling to each other and swwoping around trying to find that perfect opportunity to geta meal.
I truly feel blessed to have been able to see these two today, especially since most of the time they are only flying by, on their way to another spot (which I can never find).

I have posted other pics of them here. I hope you enjoy them.


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