Today's Pic

By frankyb

The Bull's Head, Chiswick

As the tide was low I diverted from my usual route along the towpath and took the river bed route. It gives a whole new perspective on some of the pubs and houses along the way. Love the worn steps up to the pub which spend half of the time under water.
The image could so easily have been taken at an old fishing village in Cornwall with the whitewashed walls and the weathered harbour walls and it excites me to think that it's only 8 miles to Marble Arch (officially the centre of London).
There are 3 pubs along this stretch of the Thames between Chiswick and Kew Bridges and they all have long and interesting histories. The next pub along, The City Barge, was famously featured in The Beatles film 'A Hard Day's Night' where Ringo had to hum the tune to Beethoven's 9th Symphony in order to calm the tiger down enough to leave the pub! That was after he'd had 'two lagers and lime and two lagers and lime please"! I'm sure somebody had a little more than lager to come up with that plot.

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