My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

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This beautiful ceiling is in the hair salon that we used to own before we came to live in Harties. The hair stylists are moving out at the end of the month as their rent has just become overpriced, so I realised I had better take a picture to remember it. It is called Wicked Hair and I loved working there with some amazing people. Its a happy place where people leave feeling better than when they arrived!

Its great to be on holiday: no appointments or routine, just the freedom to let your day take you where it goes. Its also great that it is Summer because the days are long and the children want to stay out until the sun goes down. That means its 7 o'clock before they decide to come home. It suits me to have a late supper when the evening is cooler. My children are so lucky to have the freedom to roam our estate freely with their friends on bikes and return after dark. I dont have to worry about them and they get to enjoy being outdoors.

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