days in december

By daysindecember

diesel tank

I was asked to take photographs of anything arts and crafts here on the estate
(which is basically the whole place) for some reason or another. amazing in detail as it is, i ended up taking a pic of the diesel tank for the greenhouse.
This tank reflects a lot about the state of the place. Due to lack of maintenance and general lazyiness everything seems to be ageing right before my eyes. Its doesnt make me sad. It just really pisses me off. If the original staff, owners, architects could see it now they would be most upset.
Today form instance i cleaned a tool, which was hand made about 70 years ago. the gents initials JHP are still there to see. it is the most amazing tool (turfing iron) that works perfectly.

I was going to go into detail about JHP as his history is very intersting. another day for sure.

This is my first un aided attempt at using my own texture layer. A baking try.

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