
By Croz


Lisa woke me at 3AM and said the contractions were starting but to get some sleep as it would be ages before I needed to drive the fifty minutes to the hospital. Obviously I couldn't really get back to sleep...It seemed like the next minute it was 5am and the contractions were continuing.. Poppy awoke and was calling for her 'Mummy', she never normally does this so early.. She must be psychic or something... I got Poppy back to sleep and in her cot.. Then time seemed to fly.. Lisa had a bath which helped and as I was making last minute preparations, Sill was timing Lisa's contractions and telling me it was time to go.. We arrived at the hospital and amazingly two hours later after a frantic and rapid labour compared to last time our little 8lbs 12 ounces blue boy, Gabriel arrived and my feet haven't hit the ground since..

I'm so pleased that I was able to drive Gabriel and Mummy home for a fantastic first meeting with Poppy and Sill..

Sill holding Gabriel as Poppy reaches out to him..

I would like to offer our sincere thanks to all the medical staff involved, including:

Doctor Nadine Kleinebekel who delivered Poppy and came to see us today and has always offered us the highest level of support, Doctor Keim for conducting all our scans and check ups, Our midwife Margaret( I've left you a message on your answerphone) and Doctor Kordi from Iran and Renate Frehe our excellent and innovative midwife today... Thank you all..

A massive thanks and our eternal gratitude to Priscilla who has helped us out all week like only the truest of friends could and today she has looked after Poppy during the delivery.. She has given up her holidays to do this and we are blessed to have such a genuine and altruistic friend.

And then there is Lisa, you know her as Cryno, my wife, mother of my children, love and soulmate.. She delivered Gabriel without any pain relief, as gas and air is not available in Germany and she was too dilated for an epidural.. I bow down to you in honour and amazement in awe of the spiritual and physical power of Motherhood..

Welcome to our world Gabriel Mark Paul...

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