shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Santa's been!

It was our staff night out tonight, so we went bowling (the less said about that the better, I am entertainingly bad at it) then for dinner. Very nice it was too, and Santa brought me a photo bauble (just have to pick some photos to go in it now) and some lovely Christmas napkins with pictures of himself on them. Sadly one colleague wasn't able to come at all and another did her ankle in on Saturday so was only there for the bowling, and wasn't bowling! We're having 3 different Christmas 'dos' this year (one including the Board and one for the volunteers), and not at any of them is everyone actually able to be there.

On my walk alongside Clydeside on Friday one of the photos I took showed the STV building, and today on Flickr STV commented that the photo was 'lovely'. That's interactive TV for you!

Apologies for the lack of commenting, it's into that mad pre Christmas rushing around period, and I promise to catch up with what you've been up to soon!

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