Running the gauntlet!

Day began ok, much work done almost caught up then wind starts rising! Now its blowing a hooly! Power on and off like a yo yo but I have my good roaring coal fire going.
Waiting for my car to pass its MOT, just ventured down to the garage and almost was blown away despite being in hubbies car! Managed to grab a shot of the loch coming in over the road. Just learned that A83 has been shut at Inveraray due to ....water on the road! For Heavens sake this is Scotland there is water every bloody here! on the road, in the ditch, on the roof in the trees in my whisky! Its getting beyond a joke that folks are so keen to be free from any possible form of lititgation that at the sight of the slightest breeze the whole damn country closes down. Ok I accept that flying projectiles in the city are a hazard but water on the A83?
Wake up Argyll & Bute Cooncil, due to your poor road maintenece and continual humongous pot holes there is bound to be flaming water on the road. !!! Grrrrrr

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