Stinky collie!

Can you see me? I'm almost camouflaged in all the stinky seaweed on these rocks.

For the third day in a row, on my walks, I've got drenched through to my skin because it's been raining so much and Ann got soaked through to her underwear. Not very pleasant.

I turn into 'Molly the stinky collie' when it rains so today when I went to the beach I set myself a mission to see just how stinky I could get.

First I rolled in the sand so that it stuck to my rainy fur, then I wallowed in a rock pool, next I went rock climbing and rubbed all this seaweed all over myself and then .................. best of all, I found a dead fish to roll on top of.

Mission accomplished - I ended up very smelly.

Unfortunately after I'd had my play on the beach (which was completely deserted today, woohoo!) we had to go to the office where Ann works to drop off some keys.

Nobody wanted to make a fuss of me and everyone was very insulting to me. A bit like the horrible woman I met last Tuesday.

However, I'm such a lucky little collie dog to have an owner like Ann. She doesn't mind how stinky I get. She loves me just the way I am.

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