Some Days

By Euphemist

The Holly and the...


We have seen a lot of holly today, namely Ilex aquifolium 1m-1.2m rootballed specimens, hundreds of them, as a hedge across the middle of the walled garden.

We had to dig a trench through what the builder's groundworkers laughably call "topsoil," but which is in reality much more like "concrete" (insert your own version of heavy, heavy irony in voice).

The holly is being planted in a single line, close spaced, so there is no point making individual holes for each one, so a trench seemed like the obvious answer.

I have to admit that it did make me feel me bit festive, but I'll be glad when we've finished. It was a bitterly cold day today, and my efforts to keep warm by digging fast have left me a little pooped!

Better big

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