Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Naked and Trussed up...

Hurray, I bought the Christmas tree today. This is it getting it's water for 24hrs before I bring it in and dress it tomorrow. I can actually do this as today, I unearthed the final corner of the long lost living room! Double hurray. Tomorrow is set aside for cleaning the rest of the house and then I will be Christmas ready.

Games at school this morning was even more fun than normal as we played a Christmas 'looking' game and the child that won was able to choose a prize from the bag. I really enjoy the hour I spend at school. I hope to be able to continue it through out my childrens time there.

Ran around town picking up parcel in the freezing wind. Then grabbed a ginger bread latte to get me in the Christmas mood to pick my tree, Nordman, around 5.5 feet and bushy. The car smelt lovely and soon the house will.

Right off for tea and to order my Christmas food shop. Watch this space for a dressed tree, hopefully tomorrow.

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