It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann


My utility room is,as the title suggests, my sanctuary. In a house full of chaos this room is the one place I can have total control and let my OCD flourish. Every item of washing that comes out of the machine has its special place to dry and woe betide (?) any lesser mortal who offers to hang the washing for me. The help is appreciated, don't get me wrong, but on the few occasions I have accepted mr mc's offer to hang it for me I have had to go and sort it all out once he's finished. I only tumble dry in times of extreme need. I get such a sense of achievement when it is all hung correctly that to tumble dry would deny me. I know I sound more than a little crazy but you should see how excited I get about line drying. I have to ration myself to 1 load a day when the weather is fine for fear I could spend all day arranging and checking my laundry. Roll on summer!!!

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