David J. Rose

By djrose007


Tree and decorations went up on 2nd of December and presents have been building up since then, more wrapped this evening.

Marlane has been busy for two days making chicken stock, chopping celery, peppers, garlic, onions and some secret ingredients, for the traditional Christmas meatball soup. The meatballs are chicken, pork sausage-meat, onion, garlic, ginger and the recipe for the whole lot has been handed down from her Father (RAF Retired Sgt Peter 'Ziggy' Zegveld') who gave her the Dutch side of her ancestry.
Not really sure how old the recipe is but it's at least 4 generations that we know of.

We have this soup on Christmas Eve when friends and family come around and again on Christmas day as a starter to the dinner. I'll try to remember to take a photo and blip it on Christmas Eve.

By the way, the photo on the side is my Mother who passed away last Easter Sunday. She was also a terrific cook until Alzhiemer's took hold but she always loved Christmas.

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