Shit Happens
Arrived home from work to an email saying that there there'd been a plumbing problem in the block of units our flat's in, and that there was raw sewage on the floor of our garage. Unfortunately it was locked, so I had to drive straight down to unlock it so the Water Board people could get in and clean it up.
This would have been bad enough, but the highway to Sydney is being widened (there've been roadworks going on for the thirty years we've been here), and is a tedious trip at the best of times. Tonight there was torrential rain, so I was driving in the dark, with very poor vision and the wipers on high.
Very relieved to finally reach the freeway, but once again there were roadworks at several points.
So this was my view for much of the trip. staring at the dashboard and doing 0 kms/hr.
Seventeen hours later and I'm back home.
Shit happens.
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